The Gas Heart

60 minutes
Gas Heart Theatre
Carousel Theatre

How does the Oxford English Dictionary define "bootylicious"? Is Helvetica really a fascist typeface? Can I get an STD from unprotected twittering? Find horribly unscientific answers to these and more imperative questions of our time in a modern adaptation of a classic from the Dada movement. Aptly described by its author as "the greatest three act hoax of the century," The Gas Heart searches through the skivvies of our society to reveal the senselessness in our world today: politics, pop culture, and potato chips in 2009.

Sep 10 - 7:00 PM
Sep 11 - 5:00 PM
Sep 12 - 7:00 PM
Sep 13 - 9:00 PM
Sep 16 - 9:00 PM
Sep 17 - 11:00 PM
Sep 18 - 7:00 PM
Sep 19 - 7:00 PM
Sep 19 - 11:00 PM
Sep 20 - 3:00 PM
Read the PLANK Review.