Jullanar of the Sea

50 minutes
Naomi Steinberg
Once, a mysterious woman became a King's favorite. Their son desired an underwater Princess and when the land Prince and water Princess met on an island under the full moon, they immediately fell in love. But there was a terrible misunderstanding. The Princess cursed the Prince (turning him into a pretty bird) and he then had a VERY eventful journey home. In the end, the Prince and Princess lived together happily ever after.
How'd it all happen, you ask? Come listen and find out!
Sep 11 - 8:00 PM
Sep 12 - 8:30 PM
Sep 13 - 2:00 PM
Sep 13 - 7:00 PM
Sep 16 - 8:00 PM*
Sep 17 - 8:00 PM
Sep 18 - 8:00 PM
Sep 19 - 2:00 PM
Sep 19 - 8:00 PM
Sep 20 - 7:00 PM

Read the PLANK Review.
