murder, hope

60 minutes
Infinity Live Productions
Playwrights Theatre Centre

murder, hope is a new solo show about pop-neurology, neuroplasticity, and one family's history with the rare brain disorder called Landau-Kleffner Syndrome. A non-linear piece that incorporates Appalachian murder ballads, Batman, YouTube and the musical saw, it is an explosive collage of compelling ideas and off-balance characters. 

"quietly harrowing." -The Stranger 
"hilariously charming" -New York Theatre
Sep 10 - 8:35 PM
Sep 12 - 1:30 PM
Sep 13 - 10:15 PM
Sep 17 - 6:55 PM
Sep 19 - 5:50 PM
Sep 20 - 3:15 PM

Read the PLANK Review.
