Now, sure, this show is simply an improvisational style talk show.  Daniel Packard, who has been doing the "same" Fringe show every year for the past few years can still pack a crowd and knows very well how to handle said crowd. 

I will bend you over and nail you to the wall.

Take your kids to this show.

It’s interesting how few shows we actually have in the festival that are truly kid friendly. Sure there is Lavignia and Return to Dragonland, but seriously, the Toronto Fringe has an entire venue dedicated to plays that the kids can go see. We don’t. What is up with that?

Still wrapping my head around the whole no head thing to come up with a witty photo caption.

Are you a gamer? Do you live, breath, eat, sleep, and dream in the worlds inhabited by Mario, his brother Luigi and the characters from Final Fantasy IV…? If you know of what I’m even talking about, then you have enough knowledge to understand what these guys are throwing at you.


I think it’s safe to say, the last time I read this book, not one of these kids was born. And by kids I mean the senior class of the Arts Umbrella touring group who originally put this piece up in the spring. Since then they have completely recast the production, one of their own has taken over the reins as director and they went for a new look on the design side (apparently the originals greys weren’t quite totalitarian enough).


“War is hell” is always a trusty ignition phrase when concepting a story line. Legion Blues is an exploration of the effect of a tour of duty on two buddies as they try to adapt to life post-WWII, and the woman that comes between them.

Legion Blues

When I first opened my Fringe guide a few weeks ago, I circled TAPE as THE show I needed to see. Written by Stephen Belber, it's a play set in real time inside a hotel room, and it's being presented as a BYOV in a room at the Waldorf on East Hastings.


Someone here has daddy issues. I'm just not sure who, or why I should care. While watching Little White Lies - an immature one-woman monologue here on tour from Ottawa - it seems like in all probability it's the actor (I couldn't find indication of her name anywhere), the piece comes off like an autobiographical re-enactment of a teenager's diary in which she bubble-headedly goes on and on about her family and her fantasy romantic life, complete with simplistic impressions of her parents and her starry eye-inducing love interest.

Little White Lies

In a small, intimate setting, this one man show featuring Dwayne Morgan, brings honesty and love to the forefront. The story is simple and one that happens to many people.

Dwayne Morgan

Vancouver: Gemma Wilcox is remarkable. As the actor, director and playwright of The Honeymoon is Officially Over, she delivers a stand-out piece of theatre that has the audience eating out of the palm of her hand. Playing a myriad of characters throughout the piece, she lights up the stage with integrity and beautifully smooth transformations.

It's over baby.

I had no idea what I was going to see when I walked into this show.  I thought this show was going to be about a bunch of dancing girls or some Moulin Rouge type story that may be nothing more than scantily clad girls.  I was totally wrong and as punishment, this performance kicked me in the gut, smacked me upside my head, made fun of my life, and then drop kicked my ass into reality.  I was shocked to get a short history lesson on a part of the 20th century that I had no idea existed....

Tito, victor or bastard

Vancouver: Oh, my god, like OMG! I just have to tell all you Fringe types how important it is that that you go see this play. It’s just fantastic. Like, Ryan Gladstone is AAH-mAAzing!  I think I’m in capital-l love.

Doesn't seem so hot to me, and what's he doing with his finger?

I kept looking at my watch after 20 minutes of this show hoping the hour had gone by.

That’s my opening remark.

No show photos, so here's a red book.

Outside the venue I wait patiently to be allowed entry. Beside me sits a slip of a woman, gray-haired, back and hips perfectly perpendicular. When approached by the usher, trying to hand her a ballot to vote for the show we’re about to see, she haughtily informs the usher that she does not vote. On the other side of her a couple sits down to enjoy a delicious pastry. Standing at the kiosk a man and woman seem unsure if this is the show they’ve pre-booked tickets for.

One of these men is Balthar - but we can't see his junk so we can't be sure

Do you like dragons? Me neither. Well, what about toys and free stuff and funny voices and a real live dragon? Okay. That sounds pretty cool, right?  Especially if you’re under ten.

Dina in the Land of Dragons or artwork from club dragonland (Gale Franey)

The Saddest Girl in the World tells the stories of women who are trying. Trying to make their dream job a reality, trying to make sense of their past, trying to fulfill themselves, trying to make a connection.

The Saddest Girl
