36 Little Plays About Hopeless Girls

Girls and cardboard

Written and directed by Aurora Stewart de Pena, this series of short scenes involving manners-obsessed young women frocked in pastel coloured summer dresses and seemingly on the verge of emotional meltdowns, creates a world unto itself.

Elaborate segues featuring midi-versions of pop songs and plain cardboard cutout props help to create a distinct style that is equal parts David Lynch and Stepford Wives. Some scenes land better laughs than others, but ultimately the magic is in watching the stories (which feature characters with names such as Rotunda and Effervescence)slowly intertwine and build to a head. Strange and delightful stuff.

_36 Little Plays about Hopeless Girls continues until 12 July for more information we suggest you go_ "here":http://www.fringetoronto.com/fringe09/indoorBYOV_listings.html#A

_For more information you can take a look at_ "this":http://birdtownandswanville.blogspot.com/

By Justin Haigh