@LIFE: Online Gamer-o-Holic Attempts to Shed Some Light


Victoria: @LIFE explores the exclusive lives of video gamers in an attempt to create a window into their beyond-messed-up “reality”—you know, being a superhero, saving the world, having big breasts . . . that sort of thing. While the premise is very in-the-now, the play fails to engage the audience and doesn’t live up to its potential.

Perhaps these emerging artists misfire in their approach to the subject. The play reads as more of a collage of explanations to the lifestyle rather than the emotionally moving show it tries to be. The detailed references and concrete examples to the game world may make the script authentic, but also isolate any audience member who hasn’t been keeping up with some sort of (creepy) RPG identity. And, in the case of Saturday evening’s show, that was pretty much everybody.

However, these three performers do deliver a stellar performance and clearly own their presence on stage. The timing is down pat and even edges on chuckle-worthy; Kristen Padayas deserves a shout-out for some stellar direction. The script may misfire, but the NO SNOWCONES team is clearly well-versed in theatre.

For showtime information go here.

By Julia Dillon-Davis