Lost in Twine: Untold Stories of Net Loft - A Lovely & Understated Piece of Theatre

Comedy, Drama

Bravo to this writer/director and the wonderful group of actors for creating a lovely understated piece of theatre. This play is about the microcosm of life that takes place every day in the Net Loft on Granville Island and appropriately is performed in the Net Loft space.  Kudos to whoever worked to make that happen, not easy but the result is a really good one.

The characters live in the real world and the scenes are real conversations. Emotional conflict provides the actors and the audience the opportunity to engage so it works on that level. The busker/narrator is an effective vehicle to get us in and out of scenes and set the tone and theme of the show.  The Chorus, aptly supporting the action through song and reflection of characters’ inner emotions, helps move the play along adding dimension to the production. The stories are nicely woven together and utilize the space well, showcasing an interesting and solid ensemble cast.

The concept of the Net Loft as a complex community of strangers, acquaintances and sometimes a meeting place with friends and family, all of whom interact due to proximity is a great premise. Environmental/site specific theatre has been around for long time and anyone who has sat in the Net Loft having a cup of java will appreciate some of the familiar sights and sounds that the play brings to life.

For the most part, it’s all good, however, there were a couple of issues; the director needs to use pacing as a tool in telling the story.  Not everyone moves and speaks in the same rhythm and this piece feels a bit precious at times because the pace of each scene is too similar. The show gets a little bogged down without variety in the pacing - where is the hustle and bustle of the Net Loft? Where is the ebb and flow of our daily lives?  

If you have sat having a coffee in the Net Loft, see this show and you’ll look at it in a new and refreshed way. If you haven’t, take in the sights and sounds of the Net Loft: Untold Stories.


By Beverley Siver