The Peter'n'Chris Show: like theatre school grads on acid

PLANK does not advocate the use of acid

I remember theatre school.  It was fun.  And I remember the jokes about what B.F.A. really stands for – Bachelor of Fuck All. Basically, a really useless university degree that will not prepare you for any known career.  I would bet any money that our intrepid heroes Peter and Chris heard these jokes too...  they're recent theatre grads themselves (hell, I even know one of their professors from UVIC). 

The show is a series of sketches loosely woven together.  The plot involves Peter trying to get a joe job at coffee shop Beans Beans Beans and Chris trying to sabotage his efforts.  Considering the number of performers I know who work at coffee shops, this is a fairly realistic scenario for B.F.A. graduates.  (I  myself actually was hired to work at Starbucks... though I ran away screaming when the perky  instructor at the training session said:  “I like'em green.  Little green beans!”)   

So, what did I think of the Peter'n'Chris Show?  I loved the random references to fairly geeky stuff like Mr. Tumnus and Narnia – and I agree that it's better to think of oneself as funemployed rather than unemployed.  I also giggled at all the self-referential theatre student gags – like when they mime write stuff down and commit to guarding the bag!  Not to mention the excellent chase sequences... hard to do well onstage.  Their physicality is innovative and a lot of fun.

It's sort of like theatre school grads on acid.  Check it out!

Find out show information here.

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By Allyson McGrane