You Killed Hamlet, or Guilty Creatures Sitting at a Play - In One Word "WOW"

Genre Definition = Funny · In Your Face · Poetic

Before we begin I want to help out the new to theatre audience a little bit. This show is a type of show that mocks things from daily life to people to daily events. The actual term for this kind of theatre is “Bouffon” which was re-coined in the early 1960’s by Jacques Lecoq in Paris. It is the art of Mockery. 

Now, when you go see this show, hopefully you will not get offended. But if you do, remember, it’s your own damn fault.

So these two jesters are….are….well, buffoons. But don’t worry, they won’t mind me writing that down. They are totally up for any punishment. Cuz they’re like dead. Here is how I would describe them... They remind me of Panic and Pain from that Disney movie. Or Ren and Stimpy. Maybe Tenacious D but the show not the movie. Or better yet some messed up Nightmare Before Christmas characters that weren’t used because they were just too weird. 

Now, to describe this show in one word:


Vulgarity to the max!

I laughed my ass off. I could not believe what they were getting away with. A number of people left and they all did not look pleased, but hey you can’t make everyone be happy. A whole hour flies by and it is weird to watch them poke fun at age, sickness in specific ways and then there is how we humans have this affinity for death. As for the two bouffons they are excellent performers. At the end of the show there was a round of applause as they were able to mock the hell out of everything and keep us glued to them. 

They are hilarious.

Go see it if you can handle it. If you can’t, or if you’re too old or it's not your thing…I would wait outside until your friends are done.

Not for everyone that’s for sure.

By Victor Terzis