
Jen Derbyshire, a unique, hilarious, talented monologist and certified insane person, tells a story based on her own experience in the world of mental health. She states that she has been certified as insane eight times! Jen turns the audience into a mental health review board to help determine her current state of sanity.

The audience gets thrown into topics that most people know very little about, fear a lot, and don’t like to talk about. Derbyshire’s delivery is passionate and brave. She shares her personal tragedy with dignity and an intelligent sense of humor: she can make you laugh...

Jennifer Derbyshire

Tonya Jone Miller is an award-winning performer from Portland, Oregon who tells the story based on her decade of experience as a professional phone sex operator. This show was awarded the Outstanding Individual Performance award at the 2015 London Fringe Festival.

Tonya is unique and talented monologist. She explores not only the needs, desires, and intentions of the individuals on the other end of the phone line, but also humanity, her own bodily anxieties, and acceptance of herself and others. She lays bare not only her body but her soul.
