Beautiful Problems: help create radix's next show!

[img_assist|nid=533|title=Kasparov versus Deep Blue (who alarmingly is a very lifelike android), the inspiration for beautiful problems|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=384|height=235]Andrew Laurenson – Artistic Director of Radix Theatre and recent alum of Plank Magazine – wants you! Yes, you! And not just for your body, he also wants your mind.

As you read this, Andrew is creating the next Radix show Beautiful Problems, which is about the 1997 chess match between Garry Kasparov and the IBM computer Deep Blue. The show is scheduled for production here in Vancouver in the fall of 2009.

He’s particularly interested in our relationship to technology and this is where you come in. Andrew has set up a special blogspot page where he is asking a series of questions about your direct experiences of living, working and emotionally engaging with technology. He set up the blogspot to allow people to answer the questions in the comments section and remain anonymous if they so wish.

Andrew will then use various responses to help create texts and songs for the show. So your technology faux pas, phobias or obsessions may become the stuff of art.

Give it a try. As you’d expect from Radix, the questions are thought-provoking.

If you have any questions about the project you can contact Andrew directly at [email protected].