Boring Website Note: Our Feeds Were Broken! We're Fixing Them Now!

Author Name: 
Shane Birley

[img_assist|nid=721|title=|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=300|height=360]Hey, there Plank supporters! We have an apology to make! We hadn't noticed (okay, I hadn't noticed) but our syndication feeds were broken! They were not updating properly and were older than, well, old. We are very sorry that this has happened and the appropriate people have been flogged. (And they liked it....)

The feeds have now been fixed and this will never happen again. If you have no idea what I am talking about, there are several feeds to choose from. Why not add them to your RSS reader and keep up with Plank.

I am going to go stick my head in the sand again.