'Tis the time of Christmas shows!

Author Name: 
Allyson McGrane
Photograph Caption: 

Hey Planksters!

Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to the fabulous holiday season!

Lots and lots of Christmas shows to choose from in Vancouver... So far, I've seen two.  Went to Off-White Christmas by Vancouver Theatre Sports in late November (before the official Christmas carol deadline of Dec. 1) and then to Ruby Slippers' Hotel Bethlehem this week.

Before December 25 - you can check out either of these shows!  You can read my review of Off-White Christmas here and check out Leah's review of Hotel Bethlehem here

Next week, PLANK will be covering the Goh Ballet's new produc tion of the Christmas classic The Nutcracker.

Get out to see some Christmas shows!  Tell us what you THINK!

Looking forward to your comments...